Deb from Sunsets & Stilettos

The Key to Wearing a Loose Top with Wide Leg Pants

Whenever I wear my favorite linen pants here I tend to pair them with tanks and tops that look like bodysuits. That said, I’m always asked for other options that are a bit more forgiving and have flow to them. Read on for the key…

How to Stay Home this Summer

I may be the only one who loved being home during the pandemic. It was just more my speed. There were no pressure, no running, no go go go mentality. I loved being home and enjoying a slow pace. When I was a kid, my…

Easiest Uniform for Spring and Summer Travel

There are just some outfit formulas that do it all. Any time I can find pieces that can function as workwear or a travel outfit- I am happy as a clam. Read on for my tried and true look for easy travel (and workwear too!)…

The Most Versatile Spring Pants

The best thing about capsule wardrobes is that every piece inside prides itself on versatility. There are tops that layer for work or wear alone on the weekend. Pants that are perfect for a tropical vacation – or dressed up for the office. By focusing…

Spring Workwear and Must-Have Pants

Spring is the hardest season to dress for when you’re a teacher. I can’t speak to other careers- but teaching I can say for sure. Classrooms change in temperature as fast as the weather does here in New York so finding versatile pieces and great…

What You’re Doing Wrong with Your Dyson Wrap

When I had the chance to get my hands on this sort after hair drying device- I took a chance. I had heard mixed review and didn’t really know what to expect. When it came I fell down a rabbit hole, joining Facebook groups, watching…

The Best Shirt Jacket for Spring

Spring is almost upon us here in New York- it takes longer than most. Spring transition can be the toughest weather to dress for- so layering is the name of the game. I’m loving shirt jackets this year as an alternative to anything stiff or…