I don’t have to worry too much about getting gifts for my co-workers, but it is always one of the most requested gift guides… and I can see why! Talk about awkward and tough to pinpoint… co-worker gifts can be tricky- but I’ve rounded up some of the things I bet are sure to be a hit- with (hopefully) anyone!
Small Holiday Gift Ideas for Coworkers, Bosses and Colleagues
Scarf and Hat Set
This is a great little set that won’t break that bank but doesn’t compromise on quality! I love functional gifts and I feel like cold-weather accessories are something we hate to buy ourselves but ALWAYS need.
Wine Cork Letters
These are such great ways to keep memories from exciting events. Mike and I had been saving our corks from all of the milestones we had hit along the way
Rocketbook Reusable Notebook
I’ve spoken about this notebook before- after you take notes in it, you can take a picture of the notes and they automatically get saved to Google Drive or Dropbox, or automatically emailed to where ever you have them set to go! It’s pretty high tech- and so great!
Football Cutting Board
Mike would love this addition to our kitchen!
Pocketjuice Portable Power
I can’t think of anyone that doesn’t need portable power- so this is a great gift for everyone! Even if this is the little gem people leave in their desks for meetings and when traveling- it is lightweight and easy to grab and go.
Portable Espresso Maker
This little device is SO COOL! A portable espresso maker would be awesome to have at work if needed! Great for the coffee lovers.
Anecdote Candles
These are one of my obsessions this season- I love the funny messages on the front of the candles- so unique!
Portable Straw
What a super functional gift- I have a portable straw and have used it more than I ever thought I would!
Cozy Blanket
Can’t go wrong with a cozy blanket and this one is awesome!
Strong Coffee with an Ember Mug
This mug is on my wishlist this season- I love how coffee stays hot indefinitely and that you can control it with your phone! The travel version with a cover is here. You can pair it with this ridiculously strong coffee too- Mike is a fan!
Vera Bradley Pouches
You can’t have enough pouches- and I love these because they are SO lightweight- no added bulk for bags or pockets.
2019 Holiday Gift Guides
What to Get Your In-Laws and Grandparents
Cozy Gift Guide for Introverts or Homebodies
Men’s Gift Guide – Whether He’s Outdoorsy, Fashionable, or A Classic Everyday Guy
For the Beauty Lover That Has It All