There are a few things certain in this world- sunrise, sunset, and the fact that New York winters bring germs and sickness in an elementary school classroom. Over the years I’ve tried so many things to stay healthy, but recently I’ve finally gotten a routine down that really seems to help in not getting the flu or common cold any time one of my students falls ill – which happens frequently during flu season!
Everyone’s body is different and different people need different things- but there are a few tips, tricks and products I’ve found to really be effective. I’m rounding up my favorites for keeping illness at bay in hopes of them helping some of you, whether you’re a parent or teacher.
My Top Teacher Tricks for Staying Healthy During Flu Season
Elderberry Lozenges
These are everywhere these days but I’ve tried quite a few that didn’t work for me before finding these that do! If you feel something coming on give these a shot. For me though- I only do three per day as opposed to the recommended dose of four.
Woodstock Nasal Rinse
Be warned: this nasal spray will legit level you. That said, you do get used to it and it will stop a potential sinus infection dead in its tracks. This is my holy grail the second my sinuses start to hurt- since sinus infections used to be something I suffered with. Since this though- I’ve had no issues!
Yup, you read that right. So much of our immune system and overall wellness comes from our guts, that I always add sauerkraut to my diet during germ season. Add it to any meal you feel comfortable with and I’m convinced it’s a great immunity boost! Note: make sure you get sauerkraut without any sugar or chemicals added! Whole Foods has a great one!

Coconut oil
Any stomach ailment I’ve had lately I fix with coconut oil. My class got struck with a stomach bug, so I added coconut oil to my smoothies once per day. This calms any queasiness I feel and settles my stomach instantly. Please note: no more than a teaspoon- it takes your stomach a bit of time to adjust. Read more tips for working coconut oil into your diet here!

Those elderberry lozenges are the real deal. I started to get a sinus infection, but after taking three that day, I was already getting better the next day! Normally it would have knocked me out for a few days at least. Thank you from a mom of three who is usually sick ALL winter!
Hey Anna! I am SO glad to hear that you found them as beneficial as I have! Thanks for stopping by! xo