It was a trying a week. I had to deal with a few things that caused me great anxiety. I sat outside the building- gathering strength, praying, wishing. I’m not sure why- but I didn’t decide to wish big. I didn’t decide to wish for the perfect outcome- the solution- or for perfection. For some reason, I wanted to wish only for something that would help me through the moment I was in. So I wished for the right people to be placed in my path. That’s it. No end game. Just the here and now and the thing that would help me through those next few hours.And you know what? Those people came. The BEST people were placed before me and I walked right through my storm. I couldn’t believe how different I felt doing so. I couldn’t believe the weight it lifted- even before I had all of the answers.
Sometimes we focus too much on the end game- the big picture and how we are getting to the destination- the resolution. But maybe if we start smaller- those small victories will guide us to where we need to be.
So this week- evaluate your wishes. Think about what you’re wishing for. Rewrite the narrative by wishing smaller- and maybe then it will show you just how many things are falling into place after all.