
physical fitness, nutrition and mental wellness

Five Apps that Keep Me on Track in my Wellness Journey

Sometimes I stare down at my phone in wonder. I have always loved technology and had the latest gadgets. At…

5 years ago

How to Stay Healthy When You’re Around Kids 24/7

There are a few things certain in this world- sunrise, sunset, and the fact that New York winters bring germs…

5 years ago

Small Dietary Changes For A Healthier Life

I'm so glad you are enjoying the Wellness Wednesday series! Some of you have said that you feel overwhelmed by making some…

5 years ago

Why I’m Not Doing Whole 30 This Year (And the Meal Plan That My Husband Lost 50 lbs On)

I love writing about wellness and fitness as we head into the new year. I have such a passion for…

5 years ago

How I Survive Back to School Season

Back to school is underway and that means packing lunches, homemade coffee and barely (if I can help it) getting…

6 years ago

Wellness Wednesday | Taking Steps Back

There are times in every journey, fitness or otherwise, where we have to step back. Sometimes we are have to…

6 years ago

What I Eat For Breakfast and My Workout Routine

You seem to be enjoying my monthly updates on my nutritional journey and how I'm fairing with my new eating…

6 years ago

My Two Month Fitness and Nutrition Update

I thought I'd share another update on how my fitness journey is going. I've seen some major changes in my…

6 years ago

Update on My Nutritional Journey

I have been eating clean for years now, but recently, I wanted to make some changes. I've been enjoying my…

6 years ago

How to Create Wellness and Self-Care Plan When You’re An Introvert

If there's one thing you know about me by now, it's likely that I am an introvert. I struggle with…

6 years ago